IV Moscow International School of Young Scientists in Hematology named after S. P. Botkin. Abstracts of papers and reports.
ISSN (print) 1997-6933     ISSN (online) 2500-2139
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IV Moscow International School of Young Scientists in Hematology named after S. P. Botkin. Abstracts of papers and reports. Клиническая онкогематология. 2024;17(3). doi:10.21320/



On March 1–2, 2024, the conference “IV Moscow International School of Young Scientists in Hematology named after S. P. Botkin” was held in Moscow. It was organized by the Department of Hematology and Transfusiology named after Academicians I. A. Kassirsky and A. I. Vorobyov of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education together with the Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Transplantology named after R. M. Gorbacheva, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University and the ANO “Moscow School of Hematology”. This year, the format of this conference has changed significantly. Firstly, the majority of participants (52%) were given the opportunity to present their data in the form of oral reports. Secondly, 21 experts were invited to evaluate the works, including from abroad. This led to an expansion of the geography of the countries participating in the conference. In addition to the works of young scientists from the former USSR, there were works from participants from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt. Finally, the main change is that English has become the official language of the conference. In total, 68 papers were submitted for participation in the conference, of which 52 papers were original studies, 16 were clinical cases. Twenty-seven papers were selected for oral presentation. The conference was devoted to oncohematology. Evaluation was carried out in 5 categories: bone marrow transplantation, lymphoproliferative and plasma cell diseases, acute leukemia, myeloproliferative diseases, biology. This Supplement to the journal "Clinical Oncohematology. Fundamental Research and Clinical Practice" No. 3/2024 publishes short abstracts (abstracts) of the papers and reports of the conference participants.
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