Ownership, management and funding

ISSN (print) 1997-6933     ISSN (online) 2500-2139


The Journal is founded and owned PRACTICAL MEDICINE LLC (Moscow, Russia)


The journal is published by the publishing house PRACTICAL MEDICINE (Moscow, Russia)


According to the license agreement signed by the authors, they transfer the right to the Publisher to publish, distribute, index and promote their works. As a result, each of the published articles bears the copyright of the Publisher.


Editorial decisions are based on the quality of submissions and appropriate peer review, rather than on any political, financial, or personal influences from founders or society.

The Journal regularly conducts an audit of its editorial and ethical policies with the involvement of independent experts in the field of medical scientific publishing and new members of the Advisory Board for compliance with the best international standards and practices in the development and maintenance of a transparent and ethical process concerning editors, authors and reviewers.


The following sources are involved in all business processes aimed at the effective functioning of the journal and the implementation of its independent, transparent and ethical policy:

  • Print subscription (individual and regional branches of the Society)
  • Paid advertising
  • Sale of commercial reprints
  • Investments and resources of the Founders