Aim. To determine the prognostic value of t(14;18)(q32;q21) in follicular lymphoma (FL) of grades 1–3А, to assess the chemotherapy efficacy in “t(14;18)+ FL” and “t(14;18)– FL” patients, and to analyze the cases of ineffective therapy.
Materials & Methods. The retrospective/prospective study carried out at the National Research Center for Hematology in the period of 2001–2022 enrolled 362 patients with newly diagnosed FL of grades 1–3А. Their risk stratification was based on predictive models FLIPI and PPI3 (Personalized Predictive Index[1]). The patients were 30–81 years of age (median 52 years). There were 225 women and 137 men. They received the following regimens: R-B (n = 80), R-CHOP (n = 189), R-CHOP (4 cycles) + R-DHAP (2 cycles) (n = 28), and R-CHOP (4 cycles) + R-DHAP (2 cycles) + auto-HSCT in the first-line therapy (n = 65). For 2 years, maintenance rituximab therapy was administered to all the enrolled patients, whichever drug chemotherapy they received. Standard cytogenetic analysis and FISH were carried out in 265/362 (73 %) patients.
Results. Patients were divided into two comparable groups: “t(14;18)+ FL” (n = 196) and “t(14;18)– FL” (n = 69). Patients without cytogenetics/FISH (n = 97) were excluded from the analysis. In patients without t(14;18), poor prognostic factors, such as grade 3А (p = 0.003) and Ki-67 > 35 % (p = 0.001), were identified significantly more often, and also high PPI3 risk was reported (p = 0.008). No differences (p = 0.84) were detected during FLIPI risk stratification of patients. Bone marrow lesions were observed significantly more often in “t(14;18)+ FL” compared to “t(14;18)– FL” (p = 0.002). The chemotherapy outcomes, such as 2-year EFS and OS, appeared to be considerably worse in “t(14;18)– FL” compared to “t(14;18)+ FL” patients.
Conclusion. The group of FL patients with t(14;18) appeared to be most numerous and more prognostically favorable. Immunochemotherapy regimens R-B and R-CHOP are more justified in the first-line therapy of FL with low PPI3 risk. Therapy outcomes were comparable in efficacy. In intermediate and high PPI3 risk FL patients with t(14;18), the most effective first-line therapy was the one with consistent administration of R-CHOP, R-DHAP, and auto-HSCT. Based on the results of this study, FL of grades 1–3А without t(14;18) can well be considered to be a prognostically unfavorable variant of this malignant lymphoid tumor. The rate of early relapses/progression after the standard immunochemotherapy (R-B and R-CHOP), according to our data, is 60 %. In patients with newly diagnosed FL who received consistent administration of R-CHOP, R-DHAP, and auto-HSCT in the first-line therapy, this rate drops to 30 %. Our results clearly indicate the need for new FL treatment approaches.
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