CAR-T Therapy of Multiple Myeloma, Based on the Congresses ASH-2021 and ASCO-2022
ISSN (print) 1997-6933     ISSN (online) 2500-2139
PDF_2023-16-1_1-13 (Russian)


CAR-T therapy
multiple myeloma
chimeric antigen receptor
B-cell maturation antigen

How to Cite

Semochkin S.V. CAR-T Therapy of Multiple Myeloma, Based on the Congresses ASH-2021 and ASCO-2022. Clinical Oncohematology. 2024;(1):1–13. doi:10.21320/2500-2139-2023-16-1-1-13.



Current treatment of multiple myeloma (ММ) based on proteasome inhibitors, immunomodulating drugs, and monoclonal antibodies has, to a certain extent, reached the limit of its potential. Despite considerable clinical advance, ММ still remains a chronic incurable disease. Tumor-specific T-cell therapy with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) is a new evolution step towards achieving MM cure. Today, B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA) is regarded as the primary target of CAR-T treatment of MM. This receptor is mainly expressed on the surface of tumor plasma cells in ММ as well as in B-cells of late differentiation stages and normal plasma cells. In 2021–2022, two CAR-T drugs, idecabtagene vicleucel (ide-cel) and ciltacabtagene autoleucel (cilta-cel), were approved for clinical use in the USA and the European Union for patients with relapsed/refractory MM. The studies of these drugs yielded encouraging clinical results. Other antigen (GPRC5D, SLAMF7) cell-based drugs are now in early stages of development. The present review is concerned with latest advances in CAR-T therapy for MM reported at the recent congresses ASH-2021 and ASCO-2022. The review comprehensively discusses the results of the KarMMa (ide-cel, stage II) and CARTITUDE-1 (cilta-cel, stage IB/II) studies. It also provides historical background of CAR-Т cell generation as well as preclinical and on-going clinical trial data on MM. It outlines potential failure causes and prospects of further improvement of the new technology.of its potential. Despite considerable clinical advance, ММ
still remains a chronic incurable disease. Tumor-specific T-cell therapy with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) is
a new evolution step towards achieving MM cure. Today,
B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA) is regarded as the primary target of CAR-T treatment of MM. This receptor is mainly
expressed on the surface of tumor plasma cells in ММ as
well as in B-cells of late differentiation stages and normal
plasma cells. In 2021–2022, two CAR-T drugs, idecabtagene vicleucel (ide-cel) and ciltacabtagene autoleucel
(cilta-cel), were approved for clinical use in the USA and
the European Union for patients with relapsed/refractory
MM. The studies of these drugs yielded encouraging clinical results. Other antigen (GPRC5D, SLAMF7) cell-based
drugs are now in early stages of development. The present
review is concerned with latest advances in CAR-T therapy
for MM reported at the recent congresses ASH-2021 and
ASCO-2022. The review comprehensively discusses the
results of the KarMMa (ide-cel, stage II) and CARTITUDE-1
(cilta-cel, stage IB/II) studies. It also provides historical
background of CAR-Т cell generation as well as preclinical
and on-going clinical trial data on MM. It outlines potential
failure causes and prospects of further improvement of the
new technology.

PDF_2023-16-1_1-13 (Russian)


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