Value of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Oncohematology

T.I. Ionova1, S. Salek2, Е. Оliva3

1 International Quality of Life Research Center, 1 office 152, Artilleriiskaya str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191014

2 Cardiff University, Pharmacoeconomics Department, Redwood Building King Edward VII Avenue Cardiff, CF10 3NB, UK

3 Hematology Division, Azienda Ospedaliera B-M-M, Via Melacrino, 89100 Regio Calabria, Italy

For correspondence: T.I. Ionova, DSci, Professor, 1 office 152, Artilleriiskaya str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191014; Tel: +7(812)579-61-38; e-mail:

For citation: Ionova T.I., Salek S., Oliva E. Value of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Oncohematology. Klin. Onkogematol. 2014; 7(4): 573–576 (In Russ.).


One of priorities of modern medical science is the patient-oriented care. This approach presupposes that patient management should be based not only on analysis of clinical and lab test findings but also on reports made by the patient himself. These reports permit to perform a thorough analysis of patient’s problems and to obtain more data on the treatment effectiveness. Quality of life (QoL) and symptoms are key factors in patient-reported outcomes (PRO). The past decade has been characterized by increased attention paid by the medical community to patient’s own sensations throughout the treatment. The importance of this principle is confirmed by the fact that “Quality of Life in Hematology” was declared as the 2012–2013 theme of the year by the European Hematology Association. Partient-reported outcomes permit to obtain information that cannot be obtained from other sources. It is especially important when new treatment methods are selected and when new approaches to palliative care are developed.

Keywords: patient-reported outcomes, quality of life, symptoms, clinical practice.

Accepted: September 15, 2014

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