Minimally invasive surgical techniques in hematological malignancies with spinal involvement

A.K. Valiev, A.V. Sokolovsky, A.S. Nered, and E.R. Musaev

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, RAMS, Moscow, Russian Federation


The current statistical data show an increased number of malignancies with skeletal bones involvement, that comprise in average 1.5–2 % of all malignancies. Among them according to some authors, the most common, in decreasing order of incidence, are: multiple myeloma (35–50 %), osteosarcomas (20–30 %), chondrosarcomas (10–17 %), Ewing’s sarcoma (6–12 %), and lymphomas (3–7 %). Therefore, the issue of treating pathological fractures of the spine in multiple myeloma or lymphoma becomes more pressing, since the number of such patients is increasing. Existing surgical minimally invasive techniques enable to increase the quality of life in these groups and start special conservative treatment as soon as possible.

Keywords: spine, pathological fracture, multiple myeloma, lymphomas

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