Mechanisms of Signal Transduction in Cells. Facts and Hypotheses

Elena B. Vladimirsky1, Vitali D. Mil’man2

1 Itamar Ben Avi, 22/1, Jerusalem, Israel, 92348

2 Department of Mathematics, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, Schreiber Building, Room 334

For correspondence: Elena B. Vladimirsky, DSci, Professor, Honored Scientist of Russia; Itamar Ben Avi str., 22/1, Jerusalem, Israel, 92348; Tel.: +972(0)2 650-96-82; e-mail:

For citation: Elena B Vladimirsky, Vitali D Mil’man. Mechanisms of Signal Transduction in Cells. Facts and Hypotheses. Clinical oncohematology. 2015;8(3):248–54 (In Russ).


Our main assumption is that interaction between inductor and target molecules in cells is based on laws of quantum physics in the microcosm of biological objects. An inductor molecule emits a specific monochromatic radiation which is captured by the appropriate target molecule according to the bioresonance absorption principle triggering the emission of its own radiation and thus turning it from the target into the inductor. This is a chain process that creates a signal path, along which the activated molecules move and interact with each other as described by molecular biology. As part of this process, all impact (information) is mediated through electro-magnetic particles (biophotons) that interact with each other in the electromagnetic field according to laws of constructive and destructive interference. Increase or decrease in the target’s response depends on type of interference predominance. Due to this effect, weak signals are sometimes able to produce stronger response than strong ones as the increase in their number leads to expansion of the area of destructive interference. This principle was confirmed in our study using 3 experimental cell models: formation of colonies of granulocyte-macrophage precursors in soft agar under different concentrations of G-CSF; formation of colonies of erythrocyte precursors in methyl-cellulose under different concentrations of erythropoietin; apoptosis of mice melanoma cells (cell line B16) under different concentrations of vincristine. Further development of the biophotonic paradigm of information transduction in cell systems may contribute to better understanding of many normal and pathological processes in human body as well to improvement in some types of drug therapies.

Keywords: signal transduction; biophotons, activation of cell programs.

Received: April 2, 2015

Accepted: May 27, 2015

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