Expression of the BCR-ABL1 Gene in Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Diseases with Signs of Progression

LA Kesaeva1, EN Misyurina2, DS Mar’in2, EI Zhelnova2, AYu Bulanov2, AE Misyurina3, AA Krutov4, IN Soldatova4, SS Zborovskii4, VA Misyurin1,4, VV Tikhonova1, YuP Finashutina1, ON Solopova1, NA Lyzhko1, AE Bespalova1, NN Kasatkina1, AV Ponomarev1, MA Lysenko2, AV Misyurin1,4

1 NN Blokhin National Medical Cancer Research Center, 24 Kashirskoye sh., Moscow, Russian Federation, 115478

2 Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 52, 3 Pekhotnaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 123182

3 National Research Center for Hematology, 4 Novyi Zykovskii pr-d, Moscow, Russian Federation, 125167

4 GenoTekhnologiya, 104 Profsoyuznaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117485

For correspondence: Andrei Vital’evich Misyurin, PhD in Biology, 24 Kashirskoye sh., Moscow, Russian Federation, 115478; Tel.: +7(499)612-80-38; e-mail:

For citation: Kesaeva LA, Misyurina EN, Mar’in DS, et al. Expression of the BCR-ABL1 Gene in Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Diseases with Signs of Progression. Clinical oncohematology. 2018;11(4):354–9.

DOI: 10.21320/2500-2139-2018-11-4-354-359


Background. The V617F mutation of JAK2 is known to manifest in Ph-negative chronic myeloproliferative diseases (cMPD), such as polycythemia vera, thrombocythemia, and myelofibrosis. These diseases not infrequently advance into more aggressive forms up to acute leukemia. As the progression mechanism is still unknown, its study retains a high priority. JAK2 carrying the V617F mutation is believed to cause constant activation of V(D)J recombinase in myeloid tumor cells in cMPD patients. Aberrant activation of V(D)J recombinase in tumor cells in cMPD patients can lead to t(9;22)(q34;q11) chromosomal rearrangement.

Aim. To study the expression of BCR-ABL1 resulting from translocation t(9;22)(q34;q11) in cMPD patients at the progression stage in order to test the suggested hypothesis.

Materials & Methods. The BCRABL1 expression was assessed in peripheral blood granulocytes in cMPD patients by real-time PCR. The JAK2 V617F mutation was identified by quantitative allele-specific PCR. The JAK2 exon 12 mutations were determined using Sanger direct sequencing of PCR products.

Results. The BCR-ABL1 expression was discovered in 29 % of patients with cMPD progression. The BCR-ABL1 expression in these patients correlated with hepatosplenomegaly and hyperleukocytosis.

Conclusion. In a significant proportion of cMPD patients the disease progression can be associated with activation of the BCR-ABL expression.

Keywords: JAK2 V617F, BCR-ABL1, V(D)J recombinase, t(9;22)(q34;q11), polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, myelofibrosis, chronic myeloid leukemia.

Received: April 2, 2018

Accepted: August 5, 2018

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