Endoscopic and Endosonographic Criteria of Ulcerative Forms of Gastric Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

OA Malikhova1, IV Poddubnaya2, AO Tumanyan1, YuP Kuvshinov1, GV Ungiadze1

1 N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, 24 Kashirskoye sh., Moscow, Russian Federation, 115478

2 Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, 24 Kashirskoye sh., Moscow, Russian Federation, 115478

For correspondence: Ol’ga Aleksandrovna Malikhova, DSci, 24 Kashirskoye sh., Moscow, Russian Federation, 115478; Tel.: +7(499)324-43-27; e-mail: malikhova@inbox.ru

For citation: Malikhova OA, Poddubnaya IV, Tumanyan AO, et al. Endoscopic and Endosonographic Criteria of Ulcerative Forms of Gastric Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Clinical oncohematology. 2015;8(1):54–61 (In Russ).


Background. At present, the use of a standard visual endoscopy and X-ray methods alone for examination of gastric lesions does not meet oncologists’ requirements. Although these techniques are still used as basic and primary test methods for examination of the digestive tract, a comprehensive endoscopic and endosonographic (EUS) diagnostics is playing a leading role in evaluation of the nature of injuries in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Objective. The objective of this study is to establish endoscopic and EUS criteria for diagnosing of the ulcerative form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas of the stomach.

Methods. In order to evaluate the potential of the complex endoscopic diagnosis of ulcerative form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the stomach, 37 patients were examined over the period from 2007 to 2009. All patients underwent intracavitary scanning after video-assisted gastroscopy with zoom at narrow-spectrum UV light, and then a tumor biopsy was performed.

Results. We established endoscopic criteria of gastric ulcerative NHL: in 18 (48.6 %) cases the ulcerative defect looks like a deep chronic callous peptic ulcer. A shallow polygonal-shaped ulcerative defect surrounded by unchanged mucosa is another form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma found in 11 (29.7 %) patients within the frames of this study. Another form of the disease is the evolution of nodular or plaque-like type registered in 8 (21.6 %) patients. Ulcerative gastric NHL was diagnosed by scanning in 6 (13.0 %) patients.

Conclusions. EUS criteria for non-Hodgkin’s gastric lymphoma: echography demonstrated hollow organ defects in gastric ulcers. It should also be noted that in case of NHL, there is evident thickening of the submucous membrane up to 6–7 mm along the edge of ulcer, which extends beyond visually detected borders of the ulcerative defect for more than 50 mm.

Keywords: non-Hodgkin’s gastric lymphomas, endosonography, endoscopy.

Received: October 14, 2014

Accepted: October 27, 2014

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