Effectiveness of Search for Unrelated Donor of Hematopoietic Stem Cells using Russian System Bone Marrow Donor Search: Experience of RM Gorbacheva Scientific Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology and Transplantation

OA Makarenko, AL Alyanskii, NE Ivanova, MA Kucher, EV Babenko, MA Estrina, DE Pevtsov, AA Golovacheva, EV Kuz’mich, BV Afanas’ev

RM Gorbacheva Scientific Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology and Transplantation; Academician IP Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, 6/8 L’va Tolstogo str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197022

For correspondence: Maksim Anatol’evich Kucher, PhD, 12 Rentgena str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197022; Tel: +7(812)338-62-60; e-mail: doctorkucher@yandex.ru

For citation: Makarenko OA, Alyanskii AL, Ivanova NE, et al. Effectiveness of Search for Unrelated Donor of Hematopoietic Stem Cells using Russian System Bone Marrow Donor Search: Experience of RM Gorbacheva Scientific Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology and Transplantation. Clinical oncohematology. 2017;10(1):39–44 (In Russ).

DOI: 10.21320/2500-2139-2017-10-1-39-44


Background & Aims. The key condition for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) is the presence of HLA-compatible related or unrelated donor. If related donor is not found, further search is carried out in the Bone Marrow Donor Worldwide (BMDW) international data base, which is not effective enough (about 80–85 %), because of genotype specificity of Russian Federation residents. The recruitment procedure using BMDW takes a lot of time and is expensive. Therefore, there are good reasons to develop an alternative Russian data base, Bone Marrow Donor Search (BMDS), which includes data from Russian bone marrow donor registries and has a good potential. The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) donor search and transplant quality using the BMDS search system.

Methods. 34 allo-HSCT recipients with malignancies and hematological diseases were enrolled in the study in RM Gorbacheva Scientific Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology and Transplantation from November, 2012, to March, 2016. A HLA-compatible donor was found for each patient in the BMDS (www.bmds.info), which includes data from 13 Russian registries of HSC donors.

Results. 34 allo-HSCTs were performed from unrelated donors recruited using Russian registries: 1 in 2012; 3 in 2013; 5 in 2014; 21 in 2015; and 4 in the 1st quarter of 2016. The greatest effectiveness of the BMDS search was in 2015 (14 %, n = 17). In 30 cases (88.2 %) a complete 10/10 compatibility for 5 HLA-gene loci was observed; in 4 cases (11.8 %) there was an incomplete compatibility (9/10). AB0 compatibility was only in 7 cases (20.6 %). In 15 cases (44.1 %) bone marrow was used for transplant harvesting; in 19 cases (55.9 %) peripheral blood stem cells were harvested by means of cytapheresis. The CD34+ count in the transplant was 1.2–12.0 x 106 CD34+ cell/kg (median: 5.0 x 106 CD34+ cell/kg). Engraftment was observed in 79.4 % of cases (n = 27), graft failure in 17.7 % of cases (n = 6), and early posttransplant mortality in 2.9 % of cases (n = 1).

Conclusion. There was an increasing efficiency of search for a HLA-compatible unrelated HSC donor using a Russian BMDS search system for Russian residents with a graft quality similar to the one found in the international BMDW database.

Keywords: hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, unrelated bone marrow donor search, BMDS.

Received: July 13, 2016

Accepted: November 24, 2016

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