Erythrodermic Mycosis Fungoides: The Algorithm of Diagnosis and Treatment

OYu Olisova1, AA Sydikov2, IN Chuprov3, LG Gorenkova4, SA Chernysh5, VA Doronin6, EV Grekova1

1 IM Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, 8 bld. 2 Trubetskaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 119991

2 Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, 2 Litovskaya str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 194100

3 II Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, 41 Kirochnaya str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191015

4 National Research Center for Hematology, 4 Novyi Zykovskii pr-d, Moscow, Russian Federation, 125167

5 SP Botkin Municipal Clinical Hospital, 5 2-i Botkinskii pr-d, Moscow, Russian Federation, 125284

6 Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 40, 7 Kasatkina str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 129301

For correspondence: Ekaterina Vladimirovna Grekova, 8 bld. 2 Trubetskaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 119991; e-mail:

For citation: Olisova OYu, Sydikov AA, Chuprov IN, et al. Erythrodermic Mycosis Fungoides: The Algorithm of Diagnosis and Treatment. Clinical oncohematology. 2018;11(4):295–302.

DOI: 10.21320/2500-2139-2018-11-4-295-302


Erythrodermic mycosis fungoides (eMF) is an atypical severe form of mycosis fungoides resulting from persistent and treatment-resistant disease. eMF manifests as generalized skin bluish lesions, intense itching, secondary lymphadenopathy, and significant deterioration of quality of life. A differential diagnostic algorithm for various forms of erythrodermia is suggested. The paper presents a clinical case of eMF with spots and plaques that skipped the tumor stage. Experience of eMF treatment using vorinostat, gemcitabine, doxorubicin, and alemtuzumab is described.

Keywords: erythrodermic mycosis fungoides, cutaneous lymphoma, diagnostic algorithms, vorinostat.

Received: May 8, 2018

Accepted: August 15, 2018

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