Development and Validation Results of the Russian MPN10 Form for Symptom Assessment in Patients with Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Compliant with International Recommendations

TI Ionova1,2, OYu Vinogradova3,4,5, EV Efremova6, AE Kersilova6, TP Nikitina1,2, MM Pankrashkina3, NM Porfir’eva2, A-PA Poshivai6, MS Fominykh6,7, DI Shikhbabaeva3, VA Shuvaev6

1 NI Pirogov Clinic for High Medical Technology, Saint Petersburg State University, 7-9 Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 199034

2 Multinational Research Center for Quality of Life, 1 Artilleriiskaya str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191014

3 SP Botkin Municipal Clinical Hospital, 5 2-i Botkinskii pr-d, Moscow, Russian Federation, 125284

4 Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, 1 Samory Mashela str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117997

5 NI Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, 1 Ostrovityanova str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117997

6 Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, 16 2-ya Sovetskaya str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191024

7 Saint Petersburg State University, 7-9 Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 199034

For correspondence: Tat’yana Pavlovna Nikitina, MD, PhD, 1 Artilleriiskaya str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191014; Tel.: +7(962)710-17-12; e-mail:

For citation: Ionova TI, Vinogradova OYu, Efremova EV, et al. Development and Validation Results of the Russian MPN10 Form for Symptom Assessment in Patients with Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Compliant with International Recommendations. Clinical oncohematology. 2020;13(2):176–84 (In Russ).

DOI: 10.21320/2500-2139-2020-13-2-176-184


Aim. To develop a Russian version of MPN10 form for patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) compliant with international recommendations.

Materials & Methods. The trial included 57 patients treated in 2019 at the Moscow Municipal Center for Hematology of the SP Botkin Clinical Hospital (n = 30) and the Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology (n = 27). Among them there were 36 myelofibrosis, 9 polycythemia vera, and 12 essential thrombocythemia patients. Mean age of the patients was 54.6 years (standard deviation 15.9 years; age range 20–79 years). The male/female ratio was 23/34 (40.4 %/59.6 %). Underlying disease duration was from 1 month to 33 years (mean duration 7 years; standard deviation 8.6 years).

Results. A stable structure and a high inner consistency of the form as well as its reproducibility as a tool were demonstrated. The trial also confirmed its convergent and discriminant validity and satisfactory sensitivity to changes in a patient’s status.

Conclusion. The Russian MPN10 version can be used for symptom assessment in MPN patients in clinical practice and scientific research.

Keywords: symptom assessment form, myeloproliferative neoplasms, psychometric properties of the form, validation.

Received: January 15, 2020

Accepted: March 29, 2020

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